AFTERMOVIE - European Union Prize for Literature 2024 - Announcement ceremony at Brussels Book Fair

Spotlighting the EU Prize for Literature - an introduction

Get to know the European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL)

EU Prize for Literature 2010 - Tiit Aleksejev (Estonia)

Meet the 'European Prize for Literature 2022' writers

EU Prize for Literature 2010 - Jean Back (Luxembourg)

How 'European' is the European Union Prize for Literature?

Ukrainian Author Wins EU Literature Prize

Europe: Consider It All! - Session 4: EU Prize for Literature: A Conceptual & Literary Criticism

European prize for literature 2013

EU Prize for Literature 2010 - Adda Djørup (Denmark)

EU Prize for Literature - Peter Terrin (Belgium)

Papadimoulis - EU Prize for Literature

European Union Prize for Literature 2019 Awards Ceremony

EU Prize for Literature 2010 - Nataša Kramberger (Slovenia)

EU Prize for Literature - Myrto Azina Chronides (Cyprus)

EU Prize for Literature 2010 - Iris Hanika (Germany)

EU Prize for Literature 2010 - Raquel Martínez-Gómez (Spain)

EU Prize for Literature 2010 - Riku Korhonen (Finland)

LBF 2014: European Prize for Literature

EU Prize for Literature 2010 - Interviews with 2010 Winners

EU Prize for Literature 2010 - Goce Smilevski (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)

Isabelle Wéry at the Brussels Book Fair with the EU Prize for Literature